I have been pretty clueless as to syndicated feeds but I got an email from a reader wondering if I had one. Well, I have a FeedBlitz subscribe box but that's only for email subscription so I finally added the atom link down on the bottom right side of the blog screen. I hope that this helps those looking for my feed. Let me know if it isn't working and I'll work on it some more. Thanks!!
Enough business but all I have time for today is a quote without my usual commentary after. However, I don't think this quote needs much commentary:
Imagine a child sleeping next to its parents and dreaming it is being beaten or is painfully sick. The parents cannot help the child no matter how much it suffers, for no one can enter the dreaming mind of another. If the child could awaken itself, it could be freed of this suffering automatically. In the same way, one who realizes that his own Mind is Buddha frees himself instantly from the sufferings arising from [ignorance of the law of] ceaseless change of birth-and-death. If a Buddha could prevent it, do you think he would allow even one sentient being to fall into hell? Without Self-Realization one cannot understand such things as these.
--Bassui Tokusho Zenji
PHOTO: Black and white picture of the Buddha tattoo on my left fore arm with my antique bead mala from Destination Om: Custom Malas and Prayer Tools.
~Peace to all beings~