At 72, the Dalai Lama, who has lived in India since 1959, is beginning to plan his succession, saying that he refuses to be reborn in Tibet so long as it's under Chinese control. Assuming he's able to master the feat of controlling his rebirth, as Dalai Lamas supposedly have for the last 600 years, the situation is shaping up in which there could be two Dalai Lamas: one picked by the Chinese government, the other by Buddhist monks.
James: Well, for a communist state, China sure is interested in religion!! That of course is because they fear the Dalai Lama as he represents peace and freedom of not only religion but of thought as well. This law is just plain silly. Seeing how it is believed by many that the Dalai Lama can control his own rebirth he will simply be reborn in Dharamsala, India (where the current Dalai Lama lives) or elsewhere in the Tibetan diaspora. The Chinese government simply does not understand Buddhism and the fact that change is inevitable. The idea of banning reincarnation by a human law is as absurd as passing a law making winter illegal.
The Tibetan people will never recognize an impostor Dalai Lama chosen by a non-Tibetan Buddhist body. It would be like the Tibetan Buddhist leader saying that he would choose the next Pope of the Catholic church and only that "Pope" would be the "real" one. Of course no one would take that seriously and this law of the Chinese government is just as laughable.
PHOTO CREDIT: The Buddhist Channel News