YANGON, Myanmar - A growing number of citizens in Myanmar's largest city are shutting off the government-run nightly newscast, trying to send the subtle message to authorities that they are tired of listening to their propaganda, residents said Tuesday.
Most are switching off the news for the first 15 minutes of the hour-long broadcast, while some also are shutting off all the lights in their homes.
It was unclear how many people participated in the protest, which spread by word of mouth.
"This is the least dangerous anti-government activity that I can take," said a resident of Yangon taking part in the protest that began Monday. "By doing this, I am showing that I am not listening to what the government is saying," the woman said, refusing to give her name for fear of government reprisal.
James: What a great example of the power of knowing we are all united, interconnected. The Burmese know that they are One in intention as well as One with people outside their country. It is an example of the saying, "United we stand, divided we fall." Anything can be accomplished when we awake from the sleepy, numbing delusion of separateness.Video Smuggled out of Burma. CNN obtained this video taken at least two days ago in Burma:
James: The ironic thing is this video was likely taken before the Foreign Minister claimed that they have been using the "utmost restraint" in dealing with the pro-Democracy movement. In other news:
Many of the imprisoned monks are refusing to touch food from their military captors, symbolically maintaining their boycott of the Myanmar regime, according to reports emerging yesterday from unofficial sources in the isolated country.
The guards are trying to force them to eat, which is a form of torture," said Bo Kyi, head of the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners, a group based in Thailand. "I'm very worried about them. Some of them could die in detention. It's really heartbreaking for the people of Burma."
Burmese Major Flees Country After Refuses Orders to Kill Buddhist Monks:
by Nick Meo, The Times, October 3, 2007
Rangoon, Burma -- As demonstrations mounted in Rangoon and the military prepared for a crackdown, an agonising decision loomed for Major Htay Win. The soldier, who has fought ethnic rebels for 21 years, knew that he would be executed if he refused to shoot demonstrators. But as a devout Buddhist he was convinced he would burn in Hell if he killed the monks. “There were secret codes to start shooting monks. But for a Buddhist this is a terrible crime. Monks are the sons of Buddha. The account Major Htay gave The Times was of an angry and divided army, horrified at being forced to crush protesters they broadly sympathised with, but also fearful of the hard-core of officers loyal to Than Shwe, Burma’s military leader. “I am just the first who will come to Thailand,” he said. “There are many officers like me who are deeply unhappy. They didn’t want to kill the monks. Many officers are also angry because the Burmese people are hungry.” He claimed that many sympathise with Aung San Suu Kyi, Burma’s jailed pro-democracy leader. “The problem is that they are afraid of Than Shwe. He is so cruel,” he said.“I am sure officers must have refused their orders to shoot monks. They will themselves be shot — it will happen in a prison and we will never hear about it. If I went back to Burma, I would be executed by them without a moment’s thought.”
"Than Shwe will try to hang on to power, but I believe this time next year he will be gone. There are other soldiers who want his power.”None of his colleagues believed the regime’s claim that protesters were in league with foreign powers. “They know that is bulls**t. The generals just want to cling on to power,” he said.
James: The top cadre of leaders within the junta has gone too far this time in killing the most revered people in Burma, the Buddhist monks. Yet the irony is that the top leadership will most likely be toppled by a revolt from their own soldiers. And finally, I'd like to add this quote from His Holiness the Dalai Lama:Lack of understanding of the true nature of happiness, it seems to me, is the principal reason why people inflict sufferings on others. They think either that the other's pain may somehow be a cause of happiness for themselves or that their own happiness is more important, regardless of what pain it may cause. But this is shortsighted: no one truly benefits from causing harm to another sentient being. Whatever immediate advantage is gained at the expense of someone else is shortlived. In the long run, causing others misery and infringing their rights to peace and happiness result in anxiety, fear, and suspicion within oneself. Such feelings undermine the peace of mind and contentment which are the marks of happiness. True happiness comes not from a limited concern for one's own well-being, or that of those one feels close to, but from developing love and compassion for all sentient beings. Here, love means wishing that all sentient beings should find happiness, and compassion means wishing that they should all be free of suffering. The development of this attitude gives rise to a sense of openness and trust that provides the basis for peace.
--The Dalai Lama, from The Dalai Lama: A Policy of Kindness, edited by Sidney Piburn From Everyday Mind, edited by Jean Smith, a Tricycle book
~Peace to all beings~