I wanted those in my relatively sheltered community who tend to be disconnected with the rest of the world to know of the crimes occurring on the opposite side of the world against the Burmese people and sangha. This led me to buy a "Free Burma" t-shirt so that I could show my support and hopefully raise awareness. I found a site online which sold a nice looking one and ordered it. However, when it arrived I realized that not only was it the wrong size but that it was a girl's t-shirt. I'm a somewhat bulky guy and a girl's shirt wouldn't even fit over my head!! So obviously It wouldn't work, therefore I contacted the online store and told them of the mishap. They were very helpful and said that they would exchange it for the right size if I sent it back. However, I didn't get around to sending it back within the allowed time frame so now I'm stuck with this shirt.

I wondered what would be the best way to select the "winner" (I hate that word, it's so exclusive) of this t-shirt so I figured the easiest thing to do would be to place everyone's name who is interested into a hat and just pull a name out. I would do this with the utmost confidentiality and honesty. In fact, I will have my wife pull the name out of the hat as she is one of the most honest and unbiased people I know.
Therefore, if you wish to enter the drawing then just post a comment and I'll use your screen name, write it on a piece of paper, fold it in half several times and place them into the hat. If you're an anonymous person then just use whatever name that you want but don't just use "anonymous" because there are others that might use the name "anonymous" as well. I will then hold the hat just above my wife's head and have her reach her hand up and pull a name/piece of paper out of the hat. And that will determine the "winner." I hate to use that word "winner" but it's the only one that I can think of. I've leave the contest open for two weeks or so.
Let me give you a few more details and measurements for the shirt:

Good luck to all participants!!
~Peace to all beings~