Yello haired mohawk guy caught my attention, but couldn't get him to give me a pass to the after party. Not only that, his girlfriend freaked when I asked if I could take their picture. Even saw who I thought was Edgar Winter with long flowing white hair (sorry, I don't do autographs he responded when I asked if it was really him). And then, I came across the Mohawk Girls. Aren't they cute?
Poor things could not get in to see the show. I felt sorry for them hanging around at Universal, nothing to do or see, although one of them did say they caught a glimpse of a big celeb as he/she walked on to the property.
I have looked high and low for Amanda, Erica, and Bianco's video, The Mohawk Song. Honestly, these girls are so famous that yellow mohawk guy recognized them from more than twenty feet away. Me, on the other hand, no clue.
Will somebody please send this yodel a link? These girls were so nice and personable. Really would like to review their video, tell about our short encounter, you know the deal.