At that rate, it may extend to infinity and beyond.
Anywho, found some gawdawful pix in Celebrity Hide Out's nip slips and oops (if I told you how I got there, you wouldn't believe me so why bother) and couldn't believe that an otherwise attractive young thang would voluntarily alter the size of her breast cavity with something so incredibly fake. I mean, look at these whoppers, it's like someone stuck two ginormous inflatable bowling balls on her chest and called them bazookas.
Identity of "when boob jobs go bad" after the jump.
Gemma Atkinson.
Come to think of it, that ridiculous boob job could have been any one of a number of Hollywood players.
Update: After this article ran, a site we endorse ran a link to the Fake or Not quiz, a parental guidance suggested site. My score was a respectable 160, although not in the top range. Just goes to show even a trained eye is not infallible.
If you're in the market for NFW time wasters, this quiz is the real deal.