I have avoided this topic so far, but apparently every columnist in the country feels the need to opine about Sarah Palin's decision to resign as Governor of Alaska, so I will as well.
Mrs. Palin's decision can quite easily be made sense of in two ways. Either (1) she is simply tired of public office and would like to be a commentator form the outside that won't receive as much criticism, or (2) she is truly an idiot. Let's examine these two options.
If Mrs. Palin truly wishes to at least partially or completely withdraw from public life this is the right way to do that. Certainly, and rightly so, most people will now count her out of the 2012 election and she can retreat to whatever job she would like. Very little speculation about her political future past the bombshell that she is quitting and an easy exit. Good idea.
However if Mrs. Palin ever plans to seek higher office and she just resigned as Governor she is an absolute fool and quite possible a total idiot. It is hard enough to run for President without a political base (just ask John Edwards), but it is quite another thing to run for the highest office in the land when you have just quit your previous occupation. If I was running against Sarah Palin I would ask her two questions. (1) How are you ever going to be President if you couldn't even tough out one term as Governor of Alaska, and (2) How can we be sure you just won't quit half way through? Say what you like, but if she intends to run for President, Sarah Palin is without a doubt the dumbest politician I have ever seen.
***Footnote*** Bill Quick at the New York Post, who seems to think this is a good idea, is also an idiot.