Monday, February 1, 2010

Shelby: Human Space Flight Has To Be Done By The Government
Apparently the government is too stupid to run a health-care program (better done by the private sector, ya know?), but they are the only ones smart enough to run a rockets program. Or so says Alabama Senator Richard Shelby:

The president’s proposed NASA budget begins the death march for the future of U.S. human space flight," Shelby said in a statement.

Obama has proposed outsourcing the program to private commercial providers. Shelby blasted those companies and said rocket science was so complicated that it requires a government program.
Obviously, Shelby wants a smaller budget (or so he says), but not if it cuts some of the money Alabama gets. I wonder if his recent GOP convert from Huntsville feels the same way? Regardless, Shelby's hypocrisy knows no bounds.

***UPDATE*** Griffith might get a "bailout" for being a principle-less party swapper in that the two Democrats seeking the nomination for Governor of Alabama had some interesting things to say.

Ron Sparks:
"This is a bad decision for Alabama families. Alabama and especially North Alabama cannot take this kind of potential job loss during the worst recession in our lifetime. This could cost us thousands of high-paying jobs at a time we face the highest unemployment rate in 26 years.

"The moon mission has contributed to endless technological breakthroughs and has provided countless jobs for Alabama. This move will not only cripple the Huntsville area economically, but the whole state.

"I am prepared to gather this state's Democratic leadership and Republican leadership in a unified effort to go to Washington and fight for these jobs."
Artur Davis:
“A manned spaceflight program is a vital component of America’s scientific future. NASA's decision to scrap the Constellation program is a major error that Congress needs to correct. I will work with a bipartisan group of lawmakers to push the Administration to reverse course; if our voices are not heard, the advocates of Constellation will be waiting on the floor of the House and the Senate. It also goes without saying that the 2200 job loss from shutting down Constellation is an unacceptable blow to North Alabama’s economy.”
Quotes, H/T - Left In Alabama