On Wednesday 3rd of March four Nonsuch politicians sat in the illustrious surroundings of Harrow’s Speech Room eagerly awaiting the arrival of our London Mayor Boris Johnson. For the next two hours Boris and the London Assembly (minus its BNP member) ‘answered’ the questions posed by audience members gathered from the surrounding areas of Brent and Harrow.
Despite the best efforts of a thoroughly incompetent chairman (“No, Mr Mayor – I’m not going to allow you to speak!”) the meeting proved a great success covering the major issues of crime and policing, the Olympics, the environment and transport. The atmosphere remained largely positive in spite of several controversial comments from the audience and the regular interruptions of a highly enthusiastic euro-sceptic who amused us all by continually yelling “leave the EU!”
Boris was easily the most accomplished politician on the stage and was generally popular, his Etonian wit saved him from several sticky situations and we suspect proved useful in preparation for his appearance on the more high profile BBC Question Time broadcast the following evening.
For more information please follow this link to the London Assembly Website which includes a full webcast of the event.
Many thanks to Nonsuch's CM and CF for that report! All contributions to the blog are very welcome - if you have anything political or historical you would like to share, please get in touch with Mr Coy or Mrs Budden.