Monday, April 5, 2010

The Lib Dem Battle Bus soon to accompany a Lib Dem Battle Train?

The Liberal Democrats have this morning revealed their battle bus for the upcoming election - and as you might expect it is big and yellow, carries their election slogan of "Change that works for you - Building a fairer Britain" and a large photo of the leader Nick Clegg.

It also, unsurprisingly, features a giant picture of Vince Cable, the 'sage of the credit crunch' who was adjudged to have faired better in last week's Chancellors televised debate.

the Liberal Democrat battle bus (Photo: Financial Times Westminster BlogThis announcement has come on the same day that the Lib Dems have set out plans to reopen thousands of miles of railway tracks and stations through the creation of a Rail Expansion Fund that would be funded by cutting capital spending on roads by £3bn.

The party claim this would lead to the biggest expansion of the rail network since the Victorian era (something that is desperately needed) and have outlined a few proposals that could be fast-tracked such as the electrification of lines from Manchester to Liverpool, Leeds and Preston; from Birmingham to Bristol and between Leeds and York, as well as new lines linking Southport with Preston and the Midlands main line with the Birmingham-Derby route, and track reopened between Tavistock and Plymouth and Exeter and Okehampton.

Watch out for the yellow election bus on a street near you and with this latest announcement in mind, how long will it be before we see a Lib Dem Battle Train on the campaign trail too?