Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Colombia Captures Paramilitary Priest

This article comes from America.  The story is an outlier, to be sure, but it opens an interesting window on the church in Latin America.

Colombia Captures Paramilitary Priest

Colombian authorities said a Catholic priest from a town outside Medellín led paramilitary groups that committed rapes and massacres and persecuted evangelical ministers and believers. 

The priest, the Rev. Oscar Ortiz Henao, was arrested in mid-April. Prosecutors said Father Ortiz created a paramilitary group in the town of San Antonio de Prado. Colombia’s right-wing paramilitaries are notorious for human rights violations and “social cleansing” operations, which kill prostitutes, thieves, drug addicts and other “undesirables.” 

Father Ortiz was a popular figure in San Antonio del Prado. After his arrest, residents marched in protest. Many said the priest had helped cleanse the neighborhood of criminals and had created a school for poor children. 

A judge confined Father Ortiz to a residence for priests in Medellín while legal processes continue. Father Ortiz’s lawyer told media that the priest had contacts with illegal groups only during peace negotiations.