According to Russell, W. (2010) in order to come up with a powerful presentation we should be considered some tips which I will discuss in this particular blog.
First, choose the key words and the essential elements for your topic. Avoid having too many slides because the audience also can read from the slides, they need a verbal explanations. Then, the layouts of the slides must be clear with the white spaces. Marquez, Z. (2010) whatever we write the audience should be able to understand from beginning to end. In addition, we can make the topic of the presentation clear by putting title at the top of each slide. The picture below is an example of clear slide from my group presentation.

On the other hand, we have to be sure that the presentation can be run on any computers Parr, E. (2010). No matter whoever is our targeted audience which means that it should be easy to understand and read? The background which is been chosen should be really simple. This is because if the background is too colorful or even wordy, the readers will be confused and not able to understand the content.
(example of unclear slide from my group presentation)
It will be better if we try to use Graphics and Charts. This is because it will attract the audience attention and helps us to explain the topic better.
(example of graphs)

Reep, D. (2006) the readers are not only focus on printed world; we should have a good visual presentation of the topic. The headings are also vital to the documents because its help the reader to find specific information and the reader will know when the topic is changed.
The images are playing an important role. The images are not just for entertainments they can talk to the audience Kress G. & van Leeuwen T. (2006).
The pictures that we have been used must convey the same message. (For example in this picture, both are dictionary but with different layout and content).
1-Russell, W. (2010) 10 Tips for Creating Successful Business Presentations. Updated on 25th August 2010 , viewed 26 August 2010 .
2-Parr, E. (2010) How To Write Articles - The Importance of Layout.
Updated on 22nd April 2010 , viewed 26 August 2010 .
3-Marquez, Z. (2010) How to Make a Good PowerPoint Presentation.
Updated on 18th May 2010 ,viewed 26 August 2010 .
4-Kress G. & van Leeuwen, T. 2006. Reading images. Chapters 1 : The semiotic landscape: language and visual communication.
5-Reep, Diana C. 2006, 'Chp 4: Principle of Document Design, in Technical writing, 6th ed., Pearson Edu,Inc., New York, p.173-190.