Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Spirit Level Discussion with Kate Pickett (co-author) 17 Jan 2011

From SERTUC "Spirit Level: Why Equality is Better for Everyone (Richard Wilkinson & Kate Pickett)

This book is an attack on the inequalities in Britain caused by the Government policies of the last 30 years. An accessible but rigorous book that demonstrates with empirical evidence that more equal societies have
better outcomes. Such as less crime, ill-health and general unhappiness.

This is a very important book in the opposition to cuts in public spending in the financial crisis

SERTUC and Bookmarks present:

The Spirit Level Discussion with Kate Pickett (co-author)
Monday 17 January 2011 (6 - 8.30pm)

Location: Congress House, Great Russell Street, London WC1B

Booking essential: 020 7467 1220

The Spirit Level - discount price available from: Monday 1 November – Monday 17 January 2011 / 020 7637 1848 Bookmarks Special Offer was £9.99 now £8".

(I must belatedly post on a very good debate organised by the RSA a few months back between the authors and "Spirit Level deniers")