Friday, November 5, 2010

World Aids Day: Wednesday 1 December TUC Seminar

Via SERTUC. "In June the ILO Conference adopted a recommendation, which the TUC helped to draft, on HIV/AIDS and the world of work. It is an important step in the progress towards universal access to HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment, care and support through the workplace.

This seminar will bring together government officials, trade unionists, interested NGOs and diplomats and provide us with an opportunity to examine the implications of the Recommendation for current workplace policies. We will explore ways and means of publicising it and mobilising support for its effective implementation both in the UK and abroad".
13.30 Registration, coffee and tea

14.00 SALLY HUNT TUC International Spokesperson
KAY CARBERRY TUC Assistant General Secretary
STEWART BROWN Executive Committee member, Fire Brigades Union
ESTHER OGUNFOWORA, Co-ordinator, NLC-TUC HIV/AIDS Workplace Initiative, Abuja, Nigeria

15.00 Questions from the floor

15.45 Panel Discussion , Co-ordinator, NLC-TUC HIV/AIDS Workplace Initiative, Abuja, Nigeria

15.00 Questions from the floor

15.45 Panel Discussion

POLLY JONES Unison International Department Unison International Department
ZUZANNA MUSKAT-GORSKA HIV/AIDS Coordinator, Global Unions HIV/AIDS Coordinator, Global Unions
SARAH RADCLIFFE Policy Officer, National AIDS Trust
16.50 Chair’s closing remarks

17.00 Seminar ends
Please confirm your attendance to Tanya Warlock on 020 7467 1357 or 020 7467 1357 or

Further speakers will be announced soonPolicy Officer, National AIDS Trust"