Thursday, December 9, 2010

Commons votes to increase tuition fees: cue the disgruntled backlash

Shortly before 6pm the result leaked out: the vote to increase the cap on university tuition fee was passed with 323 ayes to 302 noes; a majority of 21.

As for the Liberal Democrat MPs: 28 (including Nick Clegg) voted with the Government, 21 rebelled and voted against, and eight abstained. (A full breakdown of how each Lib Dem MP voted can be found here).

And so the backlash will begin, but let's remember that the battle is far from over: MPs have voted on the overall matter of approving a motion allowing universities to increase tuition fees to up to £9,000 from September 2012. Arguably they wanted to get this passed now because universities will soon send out their brochures to court students for the 2012 academic year.

What's more, the House of Lords has yet to have its say. The Commons vote was only about the level of fees and not the thresholds at which they are to pay it back, the interest rate charged or the assistance given to poorer students. Legislation on that will come in the New Year and is sure to face rebellions in both Houses.

And this will not happen until next year - so plenty more action to come in 2011...