"Whoever in our government leaked that information is guilty of treason, and I think anything less than execution is too kind a penalty," [Huckabee] told the Politico Web site.I think this is taking things WAY too far. I personally agree with President Carter that the leak earlier this year was much worse in terms of people's lives in Afghanistan than the latest leaks which really just give the U.S. a black eye diplomatically:
Another potential Republican candidate for the presidency in 2012, Sarah Palin, said earlier in the week Assange should be hunted down like Osama bin Laden.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Huckabee Calls For Execution Of Person Who Leaked Documents
2008 GOP Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee has called for the execution of whomever leaked the classified state department cables to WikiLeaks that have caused a stir all over the world: