Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Perry Polling Outside Of Texas

Although advisers to Governor Rick Perry deny it, National Review is reporting that Governor Rick Perry polling other states to ascertain Governor Perry's viability as a 2012 contender:
Political operatives in Austin tell me that Perry’s campaign team has been quietly polling voters outside of the Lone Star State to gauge his chances on the national stage. With the November 2012 election 22 months away, Perry is hoping to gain some early traction.
Here is the reaction of the Perry team after being confronted with this information:
Perry’s advisers immediately denied that they were gearing up for a White House run. “We have done no polling in any state other than Texas, period,” Perry aide Dave Carney told Politico. “Nor have we seen any polling that anyone or entity did in any other state. Unequivocally.