Thursday, February 3, 2011

The GOP Health Care Plan (circa. 1993)
I came across an interesting commentary by my good friend Dr. Steven Taylor of Troy University in which he directed me to an interview with the person who came up with the individual mandate.  Upon reading that article there was a link to the GOP counter health-care proposal from 1993.  Here are some excerpts from that bill that I found of particular historical interest:
Title I: Basic Reforms to Expand Access to Health Insurance Coverage and to Ensure Universal Coverage - Subtitle A: Universal Access - Provides access to health insurance coverage under a qualified health plan for every citizen and lawful permanent resident of the United States.

(Sec. 1003) Establishes a program under which persons with low incomes (and who are not eligible for Medicaid) will receive vouchers to buy insurance through purchasing groups.

(Sec. 1004) Requires each employer to make available, either directly, through a purchasing group, or otherwise, enrollment in a qualified health plan to each eligible employee. 

Subtitle F: Universal Coverage - Requires each citizen or lawful permanent resident to be covered under a qualified health plan or equivalent health care program by January 1, 2005. Provides an exception for any individual who is opposed for religious reasons to health plan coverage, including those who rely on healing using spiritual means through prayer alone. 

Subtitle D: Enforcement Provisions...(2) collect certain information reported by employers about individual employee group health plan coverage for purposes of identifying and collecting from responsible third parties any amounts owed to reimburse Medicare or Medicaid for health care items and services furnished to their beneficiaries.

(Sec. 2402) Amends the Internal Revenue Code to impose excise taxes on failures by employers and insurers to comply with provisions of this Act.

(Sec. 3002) Provides for the standardization of information through a national health data system.

(Sec. 3003) Requires the Secretary to establish measures to determine quality of care in specialized centers of care.

(Sec. 3004) Authorizes appropriations to examine the feasibility of creating an Agency for Clinical Evaluations by consolidating the responsibilities of specified other offices.  
Somewhat more shocking is the list of co-sponsors.  Not exactly a den of liberalism, too say the least.  Here are some interesting ones:
Sen Bennett, Robert F. [UT]
Sen Bond, [Kit] S. [MO]
Sen Dole, [Bob] J. [KS]
Sen Grassley, Chuck [IA]
Sen Hatch, Orrin G. [UT]

Here is a recent NPR story on the history of the individual mandate.