Thursday, February 3, 2011

UNISON slams pay cuts of up to 60% at London Housing Association

This press release from National UNISON is featured today on its website. 

"UNISON, the UK’s largest union, today hit out at plans by Ekaya Housing Association in South London to cut pay by up to 60%, as well as declaring compulsory redundancies and increasing hours.

The salary cuts at Ekaya range from 35% to 57.9%, and staff will be asked to work 2.5 hours more per week.

The union is calling on the housing association to put the brakes on the damaging plans and hold a thorough and meaningful consultation.

Dave Prentis, UNISON General Secretary, said:

“Pay cuts on this scale are unthinkable for hardworking families. How would you cope with 60% less in your pocket? Matters are made even worse by high inflation – pilling the pounds onto basic, everyday living.

“Ekaya have not been through a proper consultation on these plans. The association desperately need to carry out an equality impact assessment, as these cuts are set to hit black and ethnic minority women hard.

“Ekaya must get into talks.”

See Tuesday's post here