We ran through Westfield Stratford City and the 2012 Olympic site. Then along the Greenway and finished in Stratford Park (which is in my ward, West Ham). Nearly 4000 runners took part.
The run really brings to home the huge size of the Olympic park and the massive regeneration that is going on. This is great news for Newham and East London.
Cllr Forhad Hussain was I think the only other Newham Councillor taking part (UNISON member of course) he was also on the March yesterday. He ran with his twin brother Fokrul and was supported by his "Team Hussain" nephew supporters.
It took me 1 hour 11 minutes which is pretty slow but 7 minutes better I think than last year. Next year I will try and break the 1 hour (and maybe even run the marathon that I was supposed to have done this year).
All in all a great event and I would encourage everyone to take part next year. I'll post all the pictures on Facebook when I get a chance.
(double click to bring up picture detail.)