Monday, April 4, 2011

Whose Horn is that You're Tooting?

This post falls solidly into the self-promotion category. Last fall I wrote a review of recent books by critic Rebecca Solnit and photographer Richard Misrach for an online journal called Invisible Culture which is published by the smart, talented graduate students in the Rochester program in Visual and Cultural Studies. Well, the piece - initially entitled "Disasters, Political not Natural" - has just appeared; you can find it here.

And, for the nerdier among you, my paper "The Arithmetic of Compassion ~ Rethinking the Politics of Photography" is due out in the British Journal of Political Science in late spring/early summer. You can find the abstract here and, if you have access to CUP journals, can get the pre-publication version on line. The paper has been making the rounds of journal editorial processes for a number of years and finally has found a good home.