Posh must not have been as nervous as originally leaked to the media, supposedly the reason for sending hubby away for the premiere. Despite having recently traveled halfway around the world, there he was, along with BFFs Tom and Katie, cheering the spices from a private box. With all that star power and empty seating, the least they could have done was try to fill the place by sitting on the floor. The trashy crowd would have ignited, causing anyone within earshot to purchase admission just to check out the commotion.
Posh is next month's Elle cover story, but with the kind of press she and the spices have been generating of late, the issue may have prematurely shot its wad. “I’m such a gay man trying to get out,” Mrs. Beckham remarks, a reaction from political left field to her supposed drag queen sense of fashion.
Already, the bloggers are having a field day. When this issue hits newsstands, there’ll be little left to deride. Then there’s the mainstream. They can’t figure out how to react, but dutifully report the uttering anyway. Readers are left to think what they will.
Gay men have been known for flamboyancy, it’s true, but Posh’s sense of fashion isn't quite on the level of queen. Besides, plenty of gay men have devoted followings without being camp. This one immediately comes to mind. No self-respecting queen would be caught dead in that ensemble.
Perhaps the offhanded remark was just a ploy to fill seats.