Tory leader David Cameron visited the Fuller's brewery in Brentford, London this morning where on top of sounding like an alcoholic, he was asked about the future Conservative government's plan on alcohol duty and his favourite alcoholic drink.

I actually haven't yet found a drink I haven't liked," was his reply to that last question before admitting that his reply did make him sound like an alcoholic and that he did "
prefer a bitter over a lager". Just as well as the Fuller brewery specialises in
London Pride bitter...
Mr Cameron then, when asked about a future Tory government's plans for alcohol duty, came across even more as an alcoholic when he said that drinks such as "White Lightning cider, available to buy in supermarkets for £3.99 for 3 litres" should be the ones heavily taxed.

He further commented that White Lightning cider "
has never been close to an apple, it's just something people drink to get off their heads", drawing a few amused grins from the workers positioned around him as he made his speech.
Grins that were wiped off when he admitted he had only had a little of the London Pride pint that had been poured for him since "if I had any more I fear the rest of the day would be a wipe-out".
For an 'alcoholic', Cameron seems to think he'd get drunk rather easily...