The final report of the Saville Inquiry is due to be published today, which has investigated the events of Bloody Sunday on 30 January 1972 when 13 people on a civil rights march were shot dead by soldiers in Londonderry, Northern Ireland. The shootings were one of the most controversial events of "The Troubles" - Northern Ireland's recent turbulent political history, and the unrest that followed led to the imposition of direct rule from London which lasted for over 30 years. The Inquiry has proved controversial, particularly for the length of time it has taken and its expense. The Inquiry has interviewed all of the key individuals and runs to 5000 pages in length, but it is unlikely that everyone will be satisfied by its final outcome.
PS: Here is a overview of Northern Ireland's history to put the events into context.
PPS: Here is the official website of the inquiry
PPPS: Here is an interesting article from the Times comparing the Inquiry to French reluctance to examine the role of the Vichy collaborators, considering differing attitudes to whether the past should be faced or buried.