Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Blog as Current Phenomenon

Dave White (2009) majority of bloggers expose their personal and professional feeling based on sincere, humorous and conversational.


Gary (2008) the term blogosphere refers to the world wide collected works of blogs and can be categorized by variety, device, media and legal status of the publisher, thus there are different type of blogs. For example, vlog (a blog which contains video clips). Neukirchen , C (2007) tumblelogs (a blog with short posts), linklog (a blog with comprising links), moblog (a blog which works through mobile phones) . Michael, A (2009) points out that, 72% of bloggers are hobbyists who they are not make any income from blogging. While, 2/3 of professional bloggers are male, followed by 60% of them are between 18 – 44 years old. 


To see an example of vlog, you can visit
To see an example of tumblelogs you can visit
To see an example of  moblog you can visit

According to the 2008, only 34% of Malaysian desire to have their own personal space, while 48% likes to share their thoughts around the world, 54% of Malaysian blogger are women. Conversely, from the article in Guardianonly 13% of UK’s people are reading blogs during weeks, compared with 12% in Denmark and 25% in France. 


There are variety types of blog sites from the net such as sport blog, travel blog, politics blog, and fashion blog. However in some country such as Iran, it is hard for the authors to publish his/her own blog because the government has control over the Internet. In many cases the philosopher in Iran does not have the freedom to fear their thinking. Click on link to see more Info

Bayles, M. (2006) in 2001, after 9/11 attack, Hossein Derakhsshan had made a Farsi weblog for Iranian. The main benefit of his purpose was to give other Iranian a voice to give their opinion and their critics. In addition, the Farsi blogs raises the young people who were blocked by government or in another word who did not had a opportunity to throw his/her expression or idea within the society. However, in 20004, the number of Farsi we log achieved to 64.000 and counting. 


Bayles, M. (2006) Iran's Authentic Voices. [Online] 30(2):

Brook, S. (2006), Blogs struggle to impress in UKThe Guardian. 20th June [Online]. Available at:
[Accessed 17 September 2010]. (2008) Women Rule in Malaysian Blogosphere [Online]. Available at:
[Accessed 11 September 2010].

Michael Arrington (2009) Trying to Explain. State Of The Blogosphere: The FullBlogWorld Presentation [Online: weblog]. Available at: [Accessed 16 September 2010].

Neukirchen C., “a Tumblelog: projectionist”,
available at:
[Accessed on 15 September 2010].

Gary B. S., Thomas J. C and Misty E. V. (2008) Discovering Computers 2008.  Chapter 2: The world wide web pg 82. Thomson Course technology, USA.

Dave White (2009) Trying to Explain. Day 2: The What and Why of Blogging [Online: weblog]. Available at:[Accessed 14 September 2010].