Williams,T.B. (2008) The social networks had a great impact on the way that people are communicating. In the last five years the way which young people are communicating has been changed. In today’s new technologies people read and write more than 20 years ago. Such a technology has made the “Words” to become an integral part of today's online world. Beside this, words sound, video and images are also playing an important role.
Muise, A. (2009) Facebook is a social network that provides easy access for people to connect with friends. However, most of the student using the popular social networking site such as Facebook and MySpace. By using these networks they are able to create their own pages followed by displaying photographs, inserting music, videos and blogs. The survey shows that Facebook causes jealousy and it will put negative effects on sexual relations.
These social networks give the capability to the user linked themselves to the pages of other friends and send messages around the social network. Thus, people spending hours in front of the computer screen while they are not aware of the circumstances, that by spending too much of time on net, it will isolate them from visual communication in society.
According to Scharber (2009) the growth of Internet and technologies has rapidly overcome the old literacy. For example, the survey shows that the people in age 15-19 read only six minutes per week while they spend about 50 minutes each day to playing games and serving internet.

Williams,T.B. (2008) Tomorrow Will Not Be Like Today": Literacy and Identity in a World of Multiliteracies. [Online] 51(8);
pp.682.686. Available at: http://www.jstor.org.ezlibproxy.unisa.edu.au/stable/pdfplus/40012405.pdf
[Accessed 22 September 2010].
Scharber, C. (2009) Bridges between Old and New Literacies Practices. [Online] 52(5); pp. 433-437. Available at:http://www.jstor.org.ezlibproxy.unisa.edu.au/stable/pdfplus/27639211.pdf
[Accessed 22 September 2010].
Muise, A., Christofides, E., and Desmarais, S. (2009) More Information than You Ever Wanted: Does Facebook Bring Out the Green-Eyed Monster of Jealousy? [Online] 12(4); pp.441-444. Available at: http://web.ebscohost.com.ezlibproxy.unisa.edu.au/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=4&hid=11&sid=2c48dbf0-46fa-4d91-926c-07f7aebc2966%40sessionmgr12
[Accessed 22 September 2010].
Knobel, M and Lankshear, C. (2009). Wikis, Digital Literacies, and Professional Growth. [Online] 52(7); pp. 631-634. Available at: http://www.jstor.org.ezlibproxy.unisa.edu.au/stable/pdfplus/20468416.pdf
[Accessed 23 September 2010].