Sunday, March 6, 2011

Barnsley by-election leaflet "It's Lib Dem or Labour here!"

The actual result of course was:-

Dan Jarvis (Lab) 14,724
Jane Collins (UKIP) 2,953
James Hockney (C) 1,999
Enis Dalton (BNP) 1,463
Tony Devoy (Ind) 1,266
Dominic Carman (LD) 1,012
Kevin Riddiough (Eng Dem) 544
Howling Laud Hope (Loony) 198
Michael Val Davies (Ind) 60

Lab maj 11,771: Turnout 36.5%

In 2010 the Lib Dems only beat the Tories by 6 votes.

Interestingly the new Labour MP, Dan Jarvis, is the first Barnsley MP not to be born in Yorkshire or be a former miner.  However, he did serve in the Parachute regiment.  Which went down well in this traditional working class seat.

hat-tip Maturin