Whenever I see an erring man, I say to myself, I have also erred; when I see a lustful man I say to myself, so was I once; and in this way I feel kinship with everyone in the world and feel that I cannot be happy without the humblest of us being happy.
-Mahatma Gandhi, 1920
James: He was one of the most amazing people to grace this planet and his legacy, example and beauty live on year after year like ripples across a pond. He was not the first person to teach and live non-violence (
ahimsa) but he showed that despite it's position of humility that it was a powerful tool in affecting political change on a massive scale.

My thoughts then turn to the good people and monks of Burma who have practiced non-violence to resist the oppression of the totalitarian government but were pushed back. I hope that they remember what this frail, humble man from India was able to accomplish with time. I can hear Gandhi speaking to the Burmese resistance and to us all:
"When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall — think of it, always."
~Peace to all beings~