Some of the titles of the 11:15 a.m. break-out sessions:
"Cyber Terrorism" - Infectious viruses. Hackers. People who want to bring your site down and what to do about it.
"Practical Data Strategies for Mobilization" - Sounded interesting, but I am walking around, listening in at the door. Nothing of substance catches my fancy, although, the topic was fairly well attended.
"Optimizing Your Search Marketing Program" - Getting out the message. Websites need to promote, promote, and promote some more to build an audience. I've heard talks like this before, but it was good to get a brief refresher.
"Does Web 2.0 Work in Politics?" - The room was packed. I think it might have been hot inside. Again, listening at the door. A continuation of the morning plenary. Wished I had more time to sit down and take it all in.
"Meet the Tchnologists: Online Media" - The topic speaks for itself, right? Session heads include Matt Boyd of ValueClick Media and Trent Walter of
12:15 p.m. And now I'm sitting at a table with Richrd Kosinski, V.P. of Political Advertising at Richard is telling me about an organization that runs something called, "The Pollies," an award program akin to the Oscars for the online political community. This is an event I'll be checking out more thoroughly. But for now, it's time for lunch.