Beginning approximately 9:00 a.m. tomorrow morning and continuing through Wednesday afternoon, I'll be flailing about the D.C. Renaissance live blogging the 2008 Politics Online Conference. Not the arm flapping variety, mind you, more the "how do I get this high profile person to give me the time of day" type of flailing.
Oh, it will be dicey, that much is certain. After all, I'm a virtual newcomer, barely on the scene six months, and already trying to run with the with the big leagues. Sorry. Bad metaphor. Apologies to muckety-mucks too full of themselves to appreciate boorish comparisons.
Pun intended. I'm on a roll.
Julie Barko Germany, the symposium's go-to-gal, recently became George Washington University's Director for the Institute for Politics and Democracy & the Internet (IPDI), yes, THE GW University, the department running this program. For its fifteenth annual installment, the theme might be summarized as "Political Impact of New Media," something right up my alley which, living so close to the nation's capital, I felt compelled to live blog. Thankfully, the organizers relented.
Being somewhat green may seem like a liability, but in this case I think it may work to my advantage. Due to the intellectual nature of the conference and scheduled panel participants, a snarky perspective could be in short supply. Consider the millions of people with a political bent who don't want to exercise their brain cells, or worse, have none to exercise. Such readers can't be bothered with a hoity toity analysis, unless we're talking Golden Dots.
For those people and anyone else wanting to laugh at a newbie, visit The Spewker tomorrow and Wednesday for a nuts and bolts blow-by-blow of the conference even a two-year old could comprehend. Well, not just any two-year old. Only Will Ferrell's scary potty mouth for which parental guidance is suggested two-year old.
Yes! I finally found a way to reference the video without looking Johnny-come-lately.
The 2008 Politics Online Conference will be held March 4th and 5th at the Renaissance Washington, D.C. Hotel, 999 9th Street, N.W.