Be still my heart. Can the obscure Spewker Celebrity Politics Blog out-scoop "celebrity justice" monopoly after all?
Perhaps. Although, bots are raging with the latest Vanessa Hudgens "lawsuitical."
In the interests of going to press, I'll be brief. Fox 'Pop Tarts' Holly McKay broke the story, subsequently gossip-girled, making the lean tanned firmly-toned legs on this one like chasing a unicorn.
Songwriter and music producer Johnny Vieira doing business as "Johnny on the Spot Productions" is suing Disney's all-American sweetheart Hudgens, father Greg Hudgens, unidentifiable business entity Hollywood Records, and 1-50 John Does for breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty, aiding and abetting breach of fiduciary duty, recission [sic], fraud, and defamation, claiming what appears to be in excess of $22 million dollars damages, unspecified punitive damages, the undoing of a settlement agreement, and hoo-boy, maybe indentured servitude ... it was hard to read between the lines of the 27-page complaint.
Word has it that Greg Hudgens allegedly smeared Vieira in an email while trying to warn others about his predatory business practices. Last time I looked, it was talent beware in the Land of Oz. Even to this rube, seems like anyone trying to rep talent as "Johnny on the Spot" would be viewed more as sewer receptacle than respectable business partner.