Socialite hotel goddess Kathy Hilton jumped into the fray, blasting McCain for comparing Obama to her daughter Paris and criticizing the controversial campaign ad as "a complete waste of the country's time and attention at the very moment when millions of people are losing their homes and their jobs."
At first glance, one might think Hilton slammed McCain for making precious Paris look like a meaningless ditz. And you'd be right.
But there's more to this sizzle than meets the eye. Ticking off influential campaign supporters doesn't speak well for McCain's decision making capabilities. After all, he's John McCain and he approved that message. I mean, if McCain is so deadset on alienating voters, doesn't it make sense to anger those he's already lost?
People like, say, civil rights advocates?
Those voters may never forgive his initial opposition to a national holiday honoring slain civil rights hero Dr. Martin Luther King. Believe it or not, certain members of Congress tried to kill the proposal. To his credit, McCain has since admitted the error of his ways, doing a complete 180. A guy is entitled to change his mind, right? Certainly, Senator Obama changes his mind about important issues all the time.
But then why at a recent Florida press conference did McCain actively portray himself as a champion of civil rights?
Love how this article shows the presumptive Republican nominee stumbling and bumbling on a simple two-part inquiry. Radio talk show hosts have played rambling Obama outtakes in an effort to make the presumptive Democrat nominee sound like a brain-addled ninny. It's good to see the shoe on another foot for a change.
Note to self: Talk show hosts make themselves look the fool by ridiculing Obama's oratory skills while ignoring their good 'ol boy in the White House.
But getting back to the ethical side of this election, if John McCain is so all fired honorable, shouldn't he publicly acknowledge a long history of civil rights opposition? He's more like a braying donkey dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century than a champion of civil rights. And if there's anything I hate more than unethical politicians, it's two-faced politicians bathing themselves in a fictional light.
Look, I get it. McCain wants this side of his legislative record to be veiwed as a relic of the past. And who knows? I might be willing to give him the benefit of the doubt down the road.
Just as soon as Republicans forgive and forget the relic past of Barack Obama.