Distinguishing levels of talent aside, some stars have the unfortunate luck of being virtually interchangeable. Great for casting directors and horrible for the viewing audience. Variety is the spice of life, ask anyone. Talk about the occupational hazard of typecasting, why, having a look-alike may be enough to drive an aspiring actor to plastic surgery.
Big thumbs up to Starpulse (oops, not asking for a lawsuit here), especially the Selma Blair/Michelle Monaghan and America Ferrera/Jordin Sparks pairings. Stick a thick pair of coke-bottle glasses and metal braces on Sparks and no one at Ugly Betty would know the difference. On that same note, Vin Diesel needs to step up his game. Any "distinguishing talent" may not be enough to stop Dorian Gregory from breathing down his neck.
I've taken the liberty of adding some more separated at births to the pool.
Know of any more? Send 'em my way. I'm taking up a collection.