Monday, May 18, 2009

Byrne To Resign, Shows Clear Signs Of Running

Bradley Byrne has resigned his position as Chancellor of the 2-year college system and has shown clear signs of his intention to enter the race for Governor as soon as May 27:
[Byrne's] letter gave no reason for the decision. But in his letter, Byrne said, "it is time for me to take the reform fight to a new arena."
This was not all together unexpected, but a little out of the blue timing wise. I still believe that Byrne is the strongest candidate the GOP has for 2010 on face value. I am sure that Sen. Byrne has polling that somewhat confirms this or he wouldn't be running. The Democrats should get ready for a fight. Byrne has an issue and a widely viewed positive record on that issue.

H/T - Political Parlor