Monday, May 18, 2009

The NRCC Has Learned Some Lessons
The NRCC has apparently learned some lessons from the last two cycles and is co-opting some of the DCCC campaign ideas, or at least getting behind some of their own. Of particular interest to me was their intention of putting more focus on the "Young Guns" plan which is essentially a copy of the Dems "Red-to-Blue" program. Stu Rothenberg explains:
Candidates are required to meet a series of benchmarks that the NRCC (often in coordination with the campaign) identifies, including fundraising goals and a fundraising system; a volunteer database and recruitment goals; an e-mail list, press lists and communications strategies; and media training, vendors and other measures.

Candidates who reach the first set of benchmarks are placed in "On the Radar" status, while those who move on and satisfy the next set of benchmarks reach the "Contender" status. Reaching the top level of benchmarks gets a candidate the status of "Young Gun," assuring a certain level of NRCC assistance with fundraising and staff. (Certainly sounds something like the DCCC's "Red to Blue" program, doesn't it?)

The DCCC's program is no substitute for a competent and effective campaign staff, but just getting the extra resources from the party does help identify a campaign as being somewhat successful. What the Dems learned from the GOP in voter ID, the GOP is trying to learn in terms of resource allocation. It will be interesting to follow this as it develops further into 2010.