Alabamians may be on the way to enjoying a wider variety of the world's beer as the "Free The Hops" bill that would raise the alcohol level limit on beer from 6% to 13.9% passed the Senate and awaits Governor Bob Riley's signature:
The bill passed the Senate 22-9 and now goes to the governor. If signed, retailers would be allowed the sale of certain gourmet and imported beers in Alabama. Free the Hops, an organization which lobbied for the bill, says the beverages cost an average of $5 to $6 a bottle.Whether Senator Erwin (PLEASE RUN FOR LT. GOVERNOR) had to pee really bad or just couldn't stay in the chamber, I am glad he left so this would pass. My only fear is that Riley, not needing any political capital at all, could very well veto the bill. His home county is still dry for heaven's sake. Anyway, please urge the Governor to "Free The Hops!"
H/T - FlashPoint