Thursday, October 14, 2010

Ultra Left's cunning plan to smash CONDEMS

It is good to know that our would be Vanguardistic masters have this cunning plan to save working people from the CONDEM crisis (and of course to bring about the necessary revolution).

Being entirely removed from real working people they are inevitably squabbling amongst themselves about the correct order and sequence to place knitting-needles-in-nostrils and already proclaiming betrayal about the date the underpants need to be placed-on-head.

What some folk don't understand is that trade unionists don't want to take time off work to be patronised and lectured by Grandstanding poseurs.  Until they "get" this then all they will do is to further divide and weaken us.  Empty and futile protests in favour of a brave new dialectic world must be put aside as we engage in a desperate real life struggle to defend the poor and the vulnerable.

In my next post I won't be so bitter and twisted and will post on someone who has a real, practical and intelligent way forward.