Monday, October 4, 2010

Labour Party Conference 2010: London Underground Strikes

I think that this is the time to remember the TSSA railway union General Secretary, Gerry Doherty's dignified speech to conference last Monday afternoon in support of Composite 7. 
Last night and today there was strike action by TSSA and the RMT in London over job cuts. 
Gerry pointed out that his "union has taken strike action for the first time since the General Strike of 1926. TSSA is a traditionally moderate trade union which is being forced to take strike action due to the Bullingdon Champagne Mayor (Boris Johnson) trying to cut 800 jobs without regard to health and safety on the underground.  The Lib Dems claims that they want to take the unions with them, but their Lord Snooty pals are dismantling the welfare state! They need to stop attacking the very people who they asked to vote for them. 
Warning we will take you on - even the non militant unions.  This is not meant as a threat or a promise.  We have no choice when they come for us - we will have to be in this together.  This movement has to come together and say we will not let them take us on one by one. 
On Monday the action will be another reason to vote for Ken".