Friday, October 1, 2010

UNISON NEC By-elections 2010

I hope folk don’t mind, if I use this post to recommend to eligible UNISON members who have recently received ballot papers to consider voting for the candidates listed below. 
I completely and utterly deny the simply outrageous suggestion  that I am simply recommending the opposite of whoever the forces of the evil one, Red Mouse Kim, are supporting.
So now that this is clear - please encourage members to vote for (and pass on to your networks) the forces of light and reason. 
Mind you I do wish that UNISON candidates who are members of tiny and bizarre micro Trotsky sects would admit to their membership in their union election addresses. But there you go - I suppose you can guess why. 
If you have received a ballot paper please consider voting for:-
Local Government: Vote Paul Gilroy

Young Members: Vote Graham Smith

Northern Region: Vote  Ian Fleming

Higher Education: Vote Wendy Craig

Police & Justice: Vote Annette Mansell Green